If you are planning a vacation – consider a stop at one of these Creation related locations or family conferences at a nice resort location. Some of these places need advance registration and others are locations where you can just stop in. Be sure to check them out, and enjoy learning more about God’s wonderful creation as you travel.
If you are any where near Cincinnati – be sure to allow a full day at the Creation Museum. It is well worth the time. They now have passes that allow you to come back a 2nd day to see the Gardens and petting zoo or anything else you missed the 1st day!
1) The Creation Museum by Answers in Genesis. Whenever your travels take you near the Cincinnati area, you have to think about stopping in here. Several members have been there and they all rave about it. It is a First Class Museum, with high tech theaters, animatronics and a planetarium. You can easily spend a full day there. The themes change, as well as live speakers on any given day. It’s located seven miles west of the Cincinnati Airport near Petersburg, KY 41080. See https://creationmuseum.org/about/ for more info & directions as well as open hours.
Also check out the awesome Ark Encounter: https://arkencounter.com/
2) Creation Ministries US events. Check their calendar often to see an event near you, or during your vacation travels. –
Visit https://creation.com/events/us/ for event schedules.
3) AKRON FOSSILS AND SCIENCE CENTER – Off of I-77, south of I-80 (Ohio Turnpike). This small museum is devoted to teaching Creation Science and Intelligent Design models in contrast to Evolutionary models. The center features hands-on science as well as many fossils from Ohio and around the world. Individuals, families and groups will enjoy informative displays as they journey through a series of questions in search of truth. More info: http://www.akronfossils.com for program schedule and other information. 2080 S. Cleveland-Massillon Rd. / Copley, Ohio 44321
SUMMER HOURS – Open 10am – 5pm, Tuesday – Saturday (Mem Day to Labor Day) WINTER HOURS – Open 10am – 5pm, Friday & Saturday only. (after Labor day)
4) CREATION EVIDENCE MUSEUM – GLEN ROSE TEXAS, Southwest of Fort Worth. A small Creation Museum with an impressive collection of artifacts and fossils, which provide evidence for a young earth. Each summer the museum opens its excavations to public participation for one week. The public digs are geared for adults. Children ages 14 and up may participate along with their parents under close supervision. Please call the Museum for a brochure and registration form on this year’s dig event or call museum for July dig information. The Director’s Lecture Series is held at the Museum on the 1st Saturday of each month – Phone: 254-897-3200 Admission charge: $2 per person, $5 per immediate family. Lecture Times: 11:00 AM and 2:00 P.M. see www.creationevidence.org / Regular Museum Hours are: Thursday thru Saturday from 10:00 A.M. until 4 P.M. The last presentation begins at 3:00 P.M.
5) Go on a DINOSAUR EXCAVATION! or just visit the awesome museum just off of I-94 in Glendive, Montana. https://creationtruth.org/
6) Mt. St. Helens – Washington State – Going to the Northwest? The Mount St Helens 7 Wonders Creation Museum is a place to see exhibits and arrange creation-based tours of the mountain. Here are enormous rock layers, petrified trees and a mini grand canyon all formed in the aftermath of the eruption in 1980. For more info please visit https://mshcreationcenter.org/
7 ) GRAND CANYON RAFT TRIP – Going to the Southwest and feeling adventurous? Consider a 4, 7, or 9 day rafting tour in the Grand Canyon with Tom Vail and either AiG or ICR. This “adventure of a lifetime!” includes time daily in the Word, side canyon hikes, and camping under the stars. Talks during the trip include a creationist’s model of the Earth’s origin, and interpretation of the Canyon’s formation and history. This is done in a Christian environment which provides a safe, educational and comfortable family setting. See canyonministries.com for dates and details.
The annual schedules fill fast. Click Here for their Schedule.
8) GRAND CANYON RIM BUS TOUR – If you plan to visit Arizona, choose a bus day trip along the south rim of the Grand Canyon with Creationist speaker Russ Miller. These are informative trips with a lot of extras you won’t get from the Park Service. click here for their schedule https://creationministries.org/upcoming-tours/
call Russ at 928-774-8074 to confirm open dates, ask questions or schedule your own group.