What we are...

QCCSA is an organization of Christian men and women who are active in scientific awareness and study. We believe that when examining the evidence, backed up by sound science from biology, chemistry, geology, paleontology, et. al., the theory of evolution is only an explanation of origins based upon the premise that there is no Creator God, and has no real sound science-based evidence.

"If God is Truth"

Audio Recording by Mike Cummings

(1 min long)

"Click on start triangle at left immediately below"

What we believe...

The bible is the written word of God. All its content is historically and scientifically true in the original handwritten documents. This means that the record of origins contained in Genesis chapters 1 and 2 is a factual account. It is also true that:

1.    By God’s command, all living things were made into fully formed ‘kinds’ as described in the account in Genesis chapter 1. Any biological changes that have occurred since then have been made within the original created ‘kinds.’ Adam was the highest form of God’s creation for it is recorded in Genesis chapter 1, verse 26, that He created man in His own image.

2.    Genesis chapter 3 records the account of the fall of Adam and Eve. Due to their disobedience in eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the LORD cursed the serpent and the ground. Sin, death and suffering became a part of mankind's existence, as well as separation from God.

3.    The Genesis Flood was God’s judgment on a sin-filled world filled with violence. The current geological landscape that we observe today is not layers of rock and fossils giving evidence of millions of years, but are sediments laid down by the flood waters. The fossils are evidence of all plants and animals that were rapidly buried during the flood. Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their sons’ wives were the only people saved from the destruction caused by the global flood.

Meet Our Team

Mike Cummings


Jim Nitzschke

Vice President

Steve Brouard

Director of Communications

How does QCCSA serve the Quad Cities Area?

We are available to present our exciting powerpoint presentations at your youth group, church, or civic organization. We are a non-denominational, non-profit association dedicated to Telling the Truth in Science Education and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ as Creator, Savior, and Lord of all.

  • Promote Creation Science and Biblical authority in Quad-City churches and schools.
  • Provide resources and information to high school and college students seeking information on Creation Science and refuting the false dogma of evolution.
  • Propagate awareness of scientific facts supporting special creation in the Quad City general community, and to expose the fallacies of Darwinian evolution.

MEMBERSHIPS ($20 individual, and $25 family) help with seminar costs; publicity, speaker expenses, and provide book/ DVD discounts to members.

It is not necessary to be an official member to attend any of our events.

QCCSA Mission

To show the compatibility, in fact strong agreement where topics overlap, between the Truth of the Bible and Science.We reject the notion that Christianity and Science are exclusive of each other, or that Biblical truths should be waived in favor of mans theories.

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