The evolutionary community may be in complete denial – but world class scientists have been questioning Darwin’s theory for over 100 years. The examples of significant scientists from all over the globe who reject Darwinism because of its lack of a scientific foundation is too numerous to list here, so from time to time we will provide examples.
Dr. Günter Bechly: German Paleontologist, Dr. Bechly was a life-long believer in Darwin. From 1999 until the end of 2016, he served as the curator for amber and fossil insects in the Department of Paleontology at the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart. He graduated summa cum laude with his PhD in geosciences from Eberhard-Karls-University in Tübingen.
For the 2009 anniversary of Darwin’s book, he was asked to create a display of how modern science text books support Darwin. He wanted to compare these to the ‘religious’ books of the Intelligent Design movement. In preparation he felt he needed to read some of the ID books so he could defend his viewpoint against their supporters. What he found amazed him. The intelligent design books actually had better and more modern science with good documentation in them than the usual Darwin text books.
Although the 2009 Darwin exhibition was a catalyst for his move toward intelligent design, the groundwork had been laid much earlier. Dr. Bechly describes two gut feelings he had long before he ever voiced his skepticism of Darwin openly. First, he felt that it just didn’t make sense to say that if you just wait long enough, “bare rock will turn into Beethoven”.
Second, throughout his scientific study, he came to resent the evolutionary “just-so” stories that covered poor science in a narrative sheen. And as a paleontologist, he knew that the fossil record did not contain the slow, gradual transitions Darwinism requires. Over time, his scientific studies pushed him further and further away from traditional evolutionary biology. Today Dr. Bechly is strongly opposed to Darwinism as a theory with any scientific value.
Dr. David Gelernter: Dr. Gelernter is a well-known American Information scientist. He is a prominent Yale professor of computer science, who also predicted in advance the internet of today. He says he was predisposed to believe in Darwinism, yet when he investigated it, he found it wanting. Finally, in 2019, he publicly denounced Darwinism as not only improbable, but statistically “a dead loss”.
In interviews, Gelernter also explains that what’s known as the “Cambrian Explosion” showed the exact opposite of what Darwin predicted the fossil record would show. Instead of change developing in a gradual, step-by-step fashion, the animal-groups that appeared during the Cambrian Explosion arrived fully formed—and their forms resisted all major changes to their body plans.
Next, Gelernter shows how modern molecular biology has essentially destroyed Darwin’s theory by showing the complexity of protein and the impossibility that proteins could have formed randomly. (Molecular biologist Douglas Axe) estimated that, of all 150-link amino acid sequences, the odds of an amino acid capable of folding into a stable protein is 1 in 1074. This is the same as saying the chance origin of a complex protein is zero. And then you need a large number of proteins to appear at the same time, to perform a usable function. It is clear mutations cannot do what Darwinists want them to do.
In other words: neo-Darwinian evolution is—so far—a dead loss. “Try to mutate your way from 150 links of gibberish to a working, useful protein and you are guaranteed to fail. “, he said.
This and many other reasons are why Dr. Gelernter had to renounce Darwin – the science is too overwhelming against it happening.
Dr. John Sanford: American geneticist John Sanford was also a life long believer in Darwin. Dr Sanford was a Cornell University Professor for more than 25 years. His Ph.D. was in plant breeding and plant genetics. While a professor at Cornell, he conducted genetic research at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY. During this time he invented the “gene-gun” and started 2 bio-tech companies and later sold them. He continues to do scientific research and to date has published over 100 scientific publications and has been granted over 30 patents. He has clearly stated, “The more the mutations, the less the information. This is fundamental to the mutation process.”
Dr. Sanford did not become a Christian until age 50. He is also the author of the groundbreaking book “Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome”. In it he demonstrates why human DNA is inexorably deteriorating at an alarming rate, thus cannot be millions of years old. He continues to do research and is working to show others what he believed in for most of life -Darwinism-, is scientifically infeasible.
Dr. Pieter Borger: Dutch Geneticist (a.k.a. Peer Terborg) is an advanced researcher in gene expression. He is an expert on the molecular biology of gene expression and signal transduction networks. He did not become a Christian until age 32.
Pieter has worked for several leading academic science institutes, including the University of Groningen (Netherlands), the University of Sydney and the University of Basel. Dr. Borger has published over 70 articles in leading international journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine. His main area of interest is the non-protein coding part of the genome, how it is shaping the regulatory genome and how it may contribute to complex diseases, including asthma, COPD and cancer. He is the author of the book “Darwin Revisited”. His own area of research, genetics, has convinced him that Darwin was hopelessly wrong.
Dr. Richard Lumsden: Many of you who have attended our events have seen the 8 minute video testimony of Dr. Richard Lumsden who, after spending most of his life teaching and defending evolution – finally realized it was not science and then totally rejected Darwin’s story.
Dr. Lumsden was Professor of Parasitology and Cell Biology at Tulane University in Louisiana. He also served as Dean of the Graduate school of biological sciences. He published about 90 peer-reviewed papers and was awarded the Henry Baldwin Ward medal for his work in parasitology. He was also a world leader in the use of the rather new electron microscope in his research when at the height of his career.
Later in life, he gave a longer lecture about his background as a committed atheist and also his turning point. In this lecture he describes a meeting with one of his grad students who asked some very basic and honest questions about evolutionary theory and its scientific basis. It was during this long meeting he gave his usual standard answers explaining evolution. But as he says, “for the first time, perhaps, I was listening to my own answers and realized I was not making good scientific sense”. He knew too much about genetics and bio-chemistry and began to see the dis-connect between what we know and the basic tenets of Darwinism. He realized afterwards that his standard answers he had given for decades were scientifically impossible – something he knew already in the back of his mind – but never thought about in the context of evolutionary story telling. A short video about his story is here –
Atheist professor destroys evolution
Dr. Matti Leisola: Dr. Leisola, was the former Dean of Chemistry and Materials Science at Helsinki University of Technology in Finland. (now Aalto University). Dr. Leisola has produced 130 peer-reviewed scientific publications and 20 papers in conference proceedings and books. His scientific articles are cited about 1300 times in scientific literature (ISI Web of Science). He also has five patents . He has also started biotech companies, the biotech training program in the Helsinki region, and was a factor in the first Finnish biotechnology textbook “Bioprocess Engineering”. He is world class expert on Bio-enzymes. In a video interview he said,
“About 40 years ago I first heard that evolution might not be true. And I reacted very violently. I was furious. I was angry about this type of proposition. When I went back to think about my reaction, I realized that it was really a faith commitment from my side. I started to study bio-chemistry at that time and I saw that the bio-chemistry behind evolutionary story is not that strong. After 40 years of doing science now, I see even much less evidence for this evolutionary story.”
Today Dr. Leisola is a strong opponent of Darwinism and a strong Christian. We wish all Darwin believers would go back to their deepest thoughts and do what he did. Review their commitment to Darwin and see if it isn’t much more than an ‘emotional commitment’ than it is solid science.
For those of you who saw the Ken Ham – Bill Nye Debate / Creation Ministries Int’l has produced a nice video refuting all thee supposed evidences for evolution, brought up by Bill Nye…. Who actually spent more time attacking Ken Ham, than debating the topic.
“Every history of the 20th Century lists three thinkers as preeminent in influence: Darwin, Marx and Freud.
- All three were regarded as “scientific” (and hence far more reliable than anything “religious”) in their heyday.
- Yet Marx and Freud have fallen, and even their dwindling bands of followers no longer claim that their insights were based on any methodology remotely comparable to that of experimental science.
- I am convinced that Darwin is next on the block. His fall will be by far the mightiest of the three.”
– Phillip E. Johnson, “Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds”, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, USA, p. 95, 1997.
Phillip E. Johnson (1940-2019) was a UC Berkeley law professor and author. He became a born-again Christian while a tenured professor and is considered the father of the intelligent design movement. His many writings involved the scientific basis for rejecting Darwinism in the modern age.
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